
Rick, Liz, and Sydney Covert, for making me who I am.

James Sanford, for loving me as I am.

Bill & Ethel Pink, for teaching me to always be clear.

Tess Kisner, for always being there.

Dan Klyn, for letting me stand on your shoulders.

Carl Collins, for watching the scales fall from my eyes and never ripping them off early.

Caleb Brown, for teaching me to believe in my sensemaking abilities far before I knew I had any.

Andrew Hinton, for bringing me into the IA community.

Michael Leis, for teaching me to never feed the trolls.

Peter Morville, for making so much darn sense.

Lou Rosenfeld, for all the things he helped to start that make my life what it is today and for all his guidance.

Christina Wodtke, for teaching me to optimize for joy.

Nicole Fenton, for making every word I wrote better.

Allan Chochinov, for believing in my idea of teaching information architecture to everyone in the world.

Jorge Arango, for always asking why.

Andrea Resmini, for his friendship and guidance on this journey.

Joe Elmendorf, for putting clarity first always.

Kaarin Hoff, for being so thoughtful and kind in your feedback on my writing and ideas.

Michael Adcock, for giving me confidence in this bold approach and encouraging me to think harder.

Nick Senior, for listening to me whine.

Samantha Raddatz, for being ready to take on messes.

Loren Davie, for enabling this web version of the book to be so awesome.

The Dublin Corp, for the thoughtful email banter.

The Jo’s Gang, for all of the things.

My students, for whom I sought these answers.

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